Introduction to Environmental Health Curricula
These curricula were designed to involve students in transdisciplinary collaborations which are needed for solving real world systems-dependent environmental public health problems. They illustrate hazard identification, exposure and risk assessment, risk communication and intervention evaluation through a community-engaged and project-based lens. The curricula include hands-on activities, use more skill- and career-focused learning, and allow for adoption of all or some of the stand-alone lesson plans for integration into a new or existing course. The curricula align with common core standards, and can be most easily adopted into an environmental science course.
After receiving feedback from partnering schools, teachers were encouraged to develop and implement other independent projects covering topics such as air pollution and recycling.
When asked about their experiences implementing the lessons, teachers and students had this to say:
“None of them were really aware about water regulations, and I think they got a lot out of it.” –Teacher
[The most popular classes were those which included] “hands-on activities where the kids were able to test different surfaces for lead. Any time we can include a hands-on activity that also directly relates to their lives, they are way more engaged.” –Teacher
[I will] “contact local representatives in order to advocate for environmental public health policies.” –Student
[The course] “increased awareness and concern for the health of our environment.” –Student
“increased self-confidence in science and creating a community project.” –Student
“increased awareness of public health and environmental health and personally humbled [me] because any small action reflects on a greater possibility of cleaning the environment a little more.” –Student
The curriculum is free is open for teachers in any educational setting to use. Lesson plans are presented in an editable word format to enable modification by the teacher as needed.
Informational Video
“Development and Evaluation of a Multidisciplinary Project-Based Curriculum to Introduce Primary and Secondary Students to, and Resolve, Complex Environmental Public Health Problems”
Downloadable Fliers
EPA Curriculum Flier_1.pdf
EPA Curriculum Flier_2.pdf
Elementary School Curriculum
EPA Curriculum_Elementary
EPA Curriculum_Elementary School_Lesson Plan booklet.pdf
High School Curriculum
Curriculum Outline_High School.docx
EPA Curriculum_High School_Lesson Plan booklet.pdf
EPA Curriculum_High
EPA Curriculum_High