Computer Support

Contact Us

You can also reach us at

Carl Kluttz
IT Analyst IV
Room 335
504-568-5885 office
504-654-8494 cell
Jason Armand
IT Analyst III
Room 305
504-568-5963 office
Joseph Gautier
IT Analyst II
Room 305
504-568-5730 office
Brent Mumphrey (Louisiana Tumor Registry)
Project Coordinator
Room 243
504-568-5767 office

Office 365
Remote Access Portal (VPN)

Alumni Email Password Reset
Citrix Reset
Creating & Using a Photo Signature
How to Report Spam
Internet Usage
LSUHSC-NO Emergency Alert System
Mapping Network Drives
Mobile Phone Email Setup
Multi-Factor Authentication
PeopleSoft Problems
Student Computer Requirements
Student Software
VoIP Phones

Office 365

LSU Health New Orleans is now licensed for students, faculty and staff to take advantage of Microsoft’s Office Pro Plus software which is part of Office 365. Microsoft has made this software available to qualifying education organizations free of charge for students, faculty and staff with email addresses. Once this service is enabled for your account you will receive notification via email and you will be able to use your “” as your username and your LSUHSC password to log in to the Office 365 Portal and download your software. Each Office 365 user can install up to 5 copies of Office Pro Plus software. This software is for your personal PCs, Macs and portable devices such as smartphones and tablets. If you try and install a 6th copy you will have to remove a former install or deactivate a former install from the Office 365 portal.


Passwords can be reset by going to  If you have problems resetting your password and are unable to reach Public Health IT Support, you may call the Help Desk at 504-568-HELP (568-4357) to reset your password 24/7.  You can update your security questions here.


The implementation of TeamDynamix represents a fundamental shift in how IT will operate. TeamDynamix is an IT Services Management (ITSM) platform and will become the centerpiece of IT operations for LSUHSC New Orleans. The first piece to be rolled out will be the Service Desk. Unlike the existing help desk ticketing system that is used irregularly and to different extents, the TeamDynamix Service Desk is the center of IT operations.

Remote Access Portal (VPN)

The LSU Health New Orleans network is protected by a firewall that limits connectivity from outside the network.  Ivanti Secure Access Client (Pulse Secure) allows you to pass through the firewall and access these systems such as your network drives and use the Outlook client on your laptop.

To access information on Pulse Secure, go to


LSU Health New Orleans has wireless internet access in various locations on campus.

– Connect to ‘LSUHSC-Secure’
– EAP Method: PEAP
– Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPV2
– Identity: LSUHSC Username
– Password: LSUHSC Password
– Connect

Further instructions can be found here for wireless and mobile devices: Wireless Instructions.

Alumni Email Password Reset

LSU Health New Orleans Alumni Email Password Reset

Citrix Reset

If you are able to log into Citrix but when you click on Desktop or Desktop2 nothing happens, follow the directions below to resolve the issue.

In Firefox

  1. Log into Citrix
  2. Click on the Lock icon in the address bar
  3. Click Clear Cookies and site data
  4. Click Remove.
  5. Close the Firefox and try again.

In Chrome

  1. Log into Citrix
  2. Click the Lock icon
  3. Click cookies
  4. Click on
  5. Click Remove
  6. Close Chrome and try again.

Creating & Using a Photo Signature

Click here for instructions on using a photo signature in .pdf documents.

How to Report Spam

To report a SPAM message, forward them as attachments to, and they will be analyzed to help block future messages.

To forward a message as an attachment, users can create a new blank message, and drag the spam message onto it, so that it appears as an attachment in the message.  By doing that, the Postmasters will have access to the “header” information about the sender’s mail server, delivery information, etc.

Internet Usage

LSU Health New Orleans operates a wide area network with a connection to the Internet.  It should only be used in a manner consistent with and in support of your roles and responsibilities with the University.  The University policy regarding use of its infrastructure is CM-42.  It can be found at: CM-42 – Information Technology (IT) Infrastructure.

Activities such as streaming audio (e.g., Internet Radio), streaming video, web surfing and file sharing can be problematic from several perspectives.  Some of the specific concerns are:

  • Exposing the University to civil liability for copyright infringement.
  • Mitigation of risks from malware such as viruses, spam and spyware.
  • Loss of productivity while doing activities not related to your job.
  • The impact on Internet response for legitimate activity.

The University monitors network traffic on a daily basis.  If inappropriate activity is discovered, the Dean is notified.

A simple rule to follow is to avoid activity not related to your job.  While incidental use will probably not be detected, the safest course of action is avoiding activity that is not work related.

Please take a look at CM42.  If you have any questions, someone in Public Health IT Support can explain it in more detail.  We’ll be happy to assist you in any way.

LSUHSC-NO Emergency Alert System

In the event of an emergency situation, LSU Health New Orleans administration has the capability to transmit pertinent information through the mediums of websites, phone trees, e-mail and text messaging to the entire spectrum of students, faculty and staff. Click here to sign up.

Mapping Network Drives

Please contact Public Health IT Support for instructions on how to map network drives.


Mediasite problems can be directed to Public Health MediaSite Support.

Mobile Phone Email Setup

You are welcome to setup your smartphone to access LSU Health New Orleans emails.  LSU Health New Orleans IT Support does not support personal smart phones such as the iPhone and Android phones.  Mobile Phone Email documentation is available at this link:

Multi-Factor Authentication

Two-step verification is a method of authentication that requires more than one verification method and adds a critical second layer of security to user sign-ins and transactions. It works by requiring any two or more of the following verification methods:

  • Something you know (typically a password)
  • Something you have (a trusted device that is not easily duplicated, like a phone)
  • Something you are (biometrics)

Microsoft Cloud MFA helps safeguard access to data and applications while meeting user demand for a simple sign-in process. It delivers strong authentication via a range of verification methods, including phone call and mobile app verification.

Documentation on the enrollment process is available here.


Please check your Junk Email folder on a regular basis for legitimate emails.  Emails older than 45 days will be automatically deleted from both the Junk email folder and deleted items folder.

Email archiving – An “Archive LSUHSC” folder has been added to your mailbox and is available through your email client (Outlook and OWA).  This folder displays the interface to the LSUHSC-NO email archive.  You can click on the folder to open it or right click and choose to open it in a separate window. Through this interface, you can browse and search for items in your mailbox that exist in the email archive.  While the archive interface is very intuitive, tutorial documentation and video training are available at LSUHSC-NO Email Archiving for your convenience.

Sending large Files – LSU Health FileS provides a secure self-service File Sharing solution similar to Dropbox. It is available at and is open to all New Orleans, Shreveport, and HCSD users. We recommend using it for attachments which would cause a message size to exceed 25 MB. LSU Health FileS also allows you to request large or zipped files from external users.  There is also a plugin the IT Supporters can install for you to integrate this into Outlook.

Documentation and training videos for LSU Health FileS are available at

Instructions for opening a shared email address from the Outlook Web Application can be found here.

PeopleSoft Problems

Student Computer Requirements

Although the LSU Health New Orleans, School of Public Health (SPH) has a computer laboratory of personal computers (PCs), that resource is available primarily for use as a classroom. While it is available during non-class times, it is not available at night and on weekends.

Hence, the LSU Health New Orleans SPH suggests that all students own a PC or Mac with the following specifications:

  • PC laptop/workstation that can run Windows 11
  • AMD/Intel processor at least an i5 or better
  • Minimum 8 GB of RAM, more is better
  • At least a 160 GB hard drive
  • Wireless capability

Programs such as SAS, and ArcGIS only run on the Windows OS, not on the Mac OS.  If students prefer a Mac and need SAS or ArcGIS, they will be responsible to install Apple Boot Camp or Parallels and purchase a copy of Windows Professional 10 to install on their system. SAS needs the Professional version of Windows, not Home to run.

Stata statistical software platform can be run on either Windows OS or Mac OS.

Students who do not possess their own PCs may purchase one and request reimbursement up to $1400 from Financial Aid funding.  This is only available when a student is entering the program in his/her first semester and who has applied for Financial Aid. This does not apply to international students.

Students seeking reimbursement must visit Carl Kluttz or Jason Armand, IT staff for the School of Public Health, to have one of them initial the receipt for the computer purchase.  This will be done if the computer meets the specifications listed above.  The students may then take the initialed receipt to the Financial Aid Department to request reimbursement.

This computer cost reimbursement will be part of the expenses portion of the student loan.  It will be paid to the student after the tuition is paid to LSU Health New Orleans from the financial aid loan.

Some courses have specific software needs. While we do have all the necessary software in the computer lab located on the 2nd floor of the LEC, there may be instances in which students will need to utilize the software off-site and will need to purchase license(s) for use on a personal computer.

The potential cost of the software:

ArcGIS 10.7         Free while enrolled as a student
Parallels               $50/year   (allows you to run Windows X on a Mac environment)
SAS                        $31/year
STATA                   $48/6 month lease
Windows 11          Free while enrolled as a student

You will need to visit Public Health IT Support for ArcGIS and SAS installations.  SAS needs to be paid for in advance, see Student Software below.  STATA can be purchased from  Parallels and Windows X can be purchased from

Student Software

LSU Health New Orleans has an agreement with Kivuto for special pricing of certain software packages.  The website allows you to register your account and purchase software at a discount.  Students are able to download a FREE copy of Windows.  Some other software packages you can download at a great price are Adobe Creative Suite ($19.99/month) , SPSS ($39.95), Parallels for Mac ($49.99/year), MiniTab ($29.99), Nvivo ($99,) and much more.

Student STATA licenses ($48/6 months) can be purchased directly from STATA’s website.  ArcGIS is Free while enrolled as a student.  Please see Public Health IT Support for ArcGIS.   ArcGIS only runs on the Windows operating system.

The Computer Lab, Student Lounge Computers, and Classroom computers all have a software package called DeepFreeze installed on them.  The computers reboot every night and lock to receive updates between the hours of 12:00 AM and 6:00 AM.  Some computers in the lab are from 1:00 AM to 5:00 AM.  The computers are not accessible during these times.

Students wishing to have SAS installed on their computers need go to Auxiliary Enterprises (Medical Education Building, room 2200) and pay the $31.  Once you pay there, they will give you receipt and you can come and see one of us to install it.  You will need your SAS contract and the receipt for installation. Please contact Public Health IT Support to setup a time. SAS can only be installed on Windows. If you have a MAC, you will need to purchase and install Parallels and Windows first in order for us to install SAS.

VoIP Phones

Instructions for the new VoIP phone system within the School are located here.

Download Jabber here.


Students, faculty, and staff at LSU Health New Orleans has access to a fully licensed LSU Health New Orleans has licensed Zoom, a web and video conferencing solution.  Zoom documentation is available at this link: