A list of school standing and important ad hoc committees, with a statement of charge and the composition of membership follows:
Faculty Assembly and its Standing Committees:
- To implement the legislative powers of the faculty in the course of their fulfillment of the mission of the SPH. The goal of the Faculty Assembly in the governance of the School of Public Health is to foster an active, informed faculty, and to promote open communication among all members of the community of the School of Public Health pursuant to the School’s Mission and Strategic Plan.
- All non-administrative faculty members are granted membership and are invited and encouraged to participate.
- All non-administrative academic faculty employed at 75% FTE level or greater by the SPH and having an academic rank of instructor or above shall be voting members of the Faculty Assembly.
- Adjunct, joint and part-time non-administrative faculty (at 74% or less FTE) members are non-voting members of the organization but may attend meetings and speak to any issue.
- Administrative faculty is defined as faculty members who are Deans, Associate Deans, Assistant Deans, Academic Program or Department Heads, Directors of Offices and other administrators appointed by the Dean.
Faculty Appointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee – Standing Committee of Faculty Assembly:
- To recommend faculty for appointments to the ranks of Associate Professor and Professor in accordance with the guidelines of the LSUHSC SPH
- To recommend faculty for promotion to the ranks of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor in accordance with the guidelines of the LSUHSC SPH
- To recommend applications for grants of tenure for tenure-track faculty in accordance with the guidelines of the LSUHSC SPH
- To recommend changes to the LSUHSC SPH guidelines for appointments, promotions and tenure.
- Academic Program Representatives: one senior faculty member appointed from each of the five academic programs by the Program Director. If no eligible senior faculty member is available, the Program Director shall serve until an appropriate senior faculty member becomes available.
- Two senior faculty members elected by the Faculty Assembly
- One senior faculty member appointed by the Dean
Curriculum Committee – Standing Committee of Faculty Assembly:
- To plan, review and monitor academic programs to ensure consistency with the philosophy and mission of the LSUHSC SPH and the LSUHSC and in accordance with the criteria of the Council on Education for Public Health
- To provide educational oversight and strategic policy recommendations for the development of instructional courses and programs offered by the school
- To coordinate curricula among SPH and partner institutions (e.g. LSUHSC School of Graduate Studies).
- Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (ex officio, non-voting)
- One representative appointed by each academic program
- Three student representatives selected by the SGA: two MPH and one PhD student
Faculty and Student Grievance Committee – Standing Committee of Faculty Assembly:
- To provide formal recommendations to the Dean on unresolved matters of grievance
- To represent the School faculty position on unresolved matters of grievance
- Five faculty members: three elected by the Faculty Assembly and two appointed by the Dean.
- Two students elected by the student body serve on the committee only when matters of student grievances are being considered.
Bylaws, Nominations & Elections – Standing Committee of the Faculty Assembly:
- To maintain, interpret and revise the Bylaws as required in order to sustain the integrity of the organization
- To establish nomination and election policies and procedures for the LSUHSC School of Public Health.
- Two faculty members elected from the Faculty Assembly
- Past President/President-Elect
School of Public Health Standing Committees:
SPH Evaluation Committee:
- To participate in all evaluations needed related to the school’s strategic plan, including but not limited to student exit surveys, alumni surveys, employer/agency surveys, focus groups and others annually
- To render advice and assistance for the Self Study to ensure effectiveness in meeting School mission, goals and objectives
- To report the findings of all evaluations to the Administrative Council and faculty in a timely fashion.
- Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (ex-officio, non-voting)
- Representatives selected by each academic program.
- Membership of this committee should not overlap with that of the Curriculum Committee with the exception of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.
- Two student representatives elected by the SGA.
- One or more staff representatives invited by the Committee.
SPH Diversity and Inclusion Committee:
- In conjunction with the LSUHSC Multicultural Advisory Committee, to promote and develop a culture of collaboration and a climate of inclusion without regard for race, color, gender, age, national origin, handicap, veteran status, or any non-merit factor. The committee will initiate policies and actions delineated in the strategic plans of the SPH and the LSUHSC and share information on SPH efforts to increase representation of those currently underrepresented in faculty, staff, and student body of the SPH, LSUHSC, and in the public health workforce.
- Diverse volunteers from faculty, students and staff including SPH members on the LSUHSC Multicultural Advisory Committee
SPH Administrative Council:
- To provide an update to Program Directors, administrators, and representatives of the Faculty Assembly (FA) on current issues and initiatives of the School, LSUHSC and LSU System and related issues by the Dean
- To provide a forum for oversight of the strategic plan and progress in meeting its goals and objectives
- To review and discuss School finances, academic, administrative, and student affairs policies and procedures as well as new or modified LSUHSC policies
- To evaluate progress in student recruiting and admissions
- To share academic program-specific initiatives to enhance multidisciplinary opportunities school-wide
- To recommend changes to policies and procedures to the Dean for consideration.
- Dean, CHAIR
- Associate Deans for Academic Affairs (1) and for Research (1)
- Assistant Dean for Finance and Administration
- Academic Program Directors (5)
- 2 faculty members, elected from Faculty Assembly (1 junior and 1 senior)
- Current President of the Faculty Assembly
- Director of Admissions and Academic Affairs
- Coordinator of Academic Affairs Office
- Dean’s Administrative Coordinator
SPH Research Committee:
- To assist the School in achieving its research goals by developing and reviewing SPH policies related to research; assisting with their implementation; discussing interprogrammatic research; providing a forum for discussion of research resources; and review of proposals upon request.
- Dean
- Associate Dean for Research, CHAIR
- Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
- Academic Program Directors (5)
- Faculty Assembly Representative
- PhD students, one each BIOS, EPID, CHS
- MPH students, one each in five programs
SPH Information Technology Steering Committee:
- To assess and direct efforts to meet the School’s current IT infrastructure needs, including website design and applications
- To evaluate and assess asynchronous and synchronous lecture capture technology to ensure adequate infrastructure exists to support distance learning initiatives and plans
- Identify and evaluate emerging technologies that support the School’s current and future operational plans and goals
- To coordinate all plans with HSC central administration IT to ensure the School’s initiatives are aligned with HSC initiatives and are mutually supporting
- Representatives from faculty, staff, students, and IT support personnel who are knowledgeable about information technology issues, School plans and goals, and needs of all users.
SPH Staff Assembly:
- To create and develop a space and outlet for staff to participate in the School of Public Health through activities, information sharing and actions that deal with involve and/or affect staff. It engages in staff development activities including a Staff Wellness Initiative as one of its main focuses and other activities in keeping with the School’s Mission.
- All staff status employees of the School of Public Health as designated by LSUHSC.
- Employees with a faculty appointment and student employees are not included.
SPH Student Government Association:
All students in the school are entitled to membership in the SGA. The Executive Committee is comprised of the following offices:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Faculty Advisor
Additional SGA committees and ad hoc committees of SPH with student representatives:
- Allen Copping Teaching Excellence Award (5, one from each program from 2nd yr students, all student committee)
- SGA International Student Peer Committee (new 2012-13)
- Peer Advocate Liaison (2)
- Student Technology Fee Subcommittee of SPH IT Committee (determine use of annual student technology fee)