Chancellor’s Award
The Chancellor’s Award is given annually to a student who has demonstrated scholastic and leadership ability and exemplifies an enthusiastic commitment to the profession of public health. This award is selected by a faculty committee representing each of the program concentrations.
Dean’s Award
The Dean’s Award is given annually to a student who has made significant and demonstrable contributions to the School of Public Health through service within the School and has acted to promote the School in the wider community. This award is selected by the Dean’s Office and the Office of Student Affairs.
Delta Omega Award
Students who are candidates for a graduate degree in public health who must be in the upper 25% academic percentile are considered for this award. A maximum of 10% of the graduating student body in an academic year may be selected among this group. Please visit Delta Omega page for more information.
Elizabeth T.H. Fontham Award for Outstanding Community Service
The Fontham Award is given once a year in recognition of outstanding achievement in community service outside of the classroom. This $250 award will be presented to the student who demonstrates the highest level of commitment and success in working with community members and organizations/systems that serve them. The student’s service must take place during his/her time enrolled at the School of Public Health (SPH).
The award is to open to all MPH, MS and PhD students. Students can self-nominate, or be nominated by a SPH student, faculty or staff member, an outside organization, or a community member. Students will be judged by level of involvement/commitment, length of service, and outcomes/accomplishments. Nominations will be evaluated by the SGA Achievement Award Committee, which includes students, faculty, staff, and alumni from all SPH departments.
Elizabeth T.H. Fontham Award Eligibility (pdf)
Service Honor Cord
The Service Honor Cord is intended to promote civic service in the community. Students are recognized for their exceptional commitment to serving others in the community and for the promotion of public health.
Students who complete 50 hours or more during the academic calendar are eligible for the Service Honor Cord. The students who met the hour eligibility requirements will receive a single gold honor cord and the student with the most hours will receive a double purple and gold honor cord. Students must log all volunteer hours in order to be eligible.
The award is to open to all MPH, MD/MPH, MS, and PhD students.