The LSU Health – New Orleans Louisiana Tobacco Control Initiative (LA-TCI), housed within the School of Public Health, Behavioral and Community Health Sciences Program, has promoted a multi-level, translational, and transdisciplinary approach to cessation services and research. Grounded by the U.S. Public Health Service Clinical Practice Guideline for Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence, the LA-TCI employs the aforementioned approach at the recommended system, clinic, and patient levels of healthcare. The Initiative receives support funding from the Louisiana Cancer Research Center (CFMS no 599454). We conduct collaborative research that will lead to more effective treatment for tobacco use and are creating a statewide initiative to promote health systems change.


Contact us today to learn more about our research program and opportunities to collaborate or participate.

Contact Us:
LSU Health New Orleans
School of Public Health
2020 Gravier Street, 3rd Floor
New Orleans, LA 70112