The Office of Research for the School of Public Health (ORPH) has developed policies and guidelines to promote best practices in the preparation of proposals and applications, and provide guidance on all new research grant proposals and community service projects while in the formative stages as well as after receiving the “Notice of Award”.  ORPH staff aid in proposal development, ensuring alignment with sponsor guidelines and university, state, and federal policies.

The best way to reach the Office of Research for the School of Public Health is by contacting us:

Qingzhao Yu, PhD
Associate Dean for Research

Patricia Arteaga, MBA
Research Coordinator

PIs and department administrators involved in preparations of proposals and grant applications should be aware of the following:

Prior to Grant Submission

  • Notify the ORPH, Program Director and Business Office about intent to submit proposal/application.
  • Set up meetings with the ORPH and Business Office to review the proposal and develop a budget.
  • Letter of Intent that requires budget information must be routed to the ORPH and ORS before being sent to the Funding Agency. For LOI that does not require budget information ORPH should be made aware of your intent.
  • The LSUHSC Office of Research Services (ORS) requires routing of required documents (routing packet) 10 working days prior to submission deadline and proposal application documents 5 working days in advance of funding agency deadline. One additional day should be allowed for the ORPH to review all documents before routing to ORS.

Helpful Administrative Information
Yellow Routing Sheet

Post Award

  • Notify the ORPH upon receiving the “Notice of Award” as well as IRB and IBC approval.

PLEASE NOTE:  The ORS requires completion of the COI Team Member Form with the following:

CoI Forms Required
For All Study Team Members
SFI Forms
New Grant Application Always For all PHS¹-funded projects
Renewal Grant Application Always For all PHS-funded projects
Supplemental Grant Application Always For all PHS-funded projects
New Contract Always For all PHS-funded projects
New subcontract Always For all PHS-funded projects
Progress Report Always For all PHS-funded projects active on or after August 24, 2012
JIT (Just-in-Time) Information When sponsor has scored application in possibly fundable range (for NIH, a score of 25 or less) For all PHS-funded projects
Contract/Subcontract Amendment Always For all PHS-funded projects active on or after August 24, 2012
IRB Application or Re-approval Always No
IACUC Application or Re-approval

(department or school funded)

Always No
¹ PHS agencies are: ACF, AHRQ, CDC, CMMS, FDA, HRSA, HIS, NIH, and SAMHSA.


Helpful Research Documents:

NIH “FORMS-E” Grant Application Forms and Instructions
General Instructions for NIH and Other PHS Agencies
Revised NSF Application Guide

For samples of K grants/applications please contact Patricia Arteaga at