“Intaking too much food, that’s high in sugar, high in saturated fat, and low in nutrients will turn a good gene off and a bad gene on.”
These finding were published in the journal Frontiers in Public Health, Epidemiology section on August 3, 2018, in the article titled, Absence of Adolescent Obesity in Grenada: Is This a Generational Effect? , by Dr. Richard Scribner, professor in Epidemiology , Dr. Melinda Southern, professor in Behavioral & Community Health Sciences, Dr. Tekeda Ferguson, Assistant Professor in Epidemiology, Dr. Claudia Leonardi, Assistant Professor Research in Behavioral & Community Health Sciences and Ms. Aubrey E. Gilliland, Researcher in Epidemiology of LSUHSC School of Public Health. Click here for the full published study.
(Picture Source: wwltv.com)