How does gaining too much weight during pregnancy impact the child?

“Intaking too much food, that’s high in sugar, high in saturated fat, and low in nutrients will turn a good gene off and a bad gene on.”
When local doctors studied obesity of citizens on a south Caribbean island, they found many lessons to bring back home to the U.S. It’s an island plentiful in fruits, fish, vegetables, spices and nuts, but something was changing their diets, once high in nutritional, low-calorie foods. Their sizes were changing too. Click here to view the full news report feature on Channel 4 WWL  on Weightloss Wednesday.
Author: Meg Farris /Published: 4:36 PM CDT August 8, 2018 / Updated: 5:28 PM CDT August 8, 2018


These finding were published in the journal Frontiers in Public Health, Epidemiology section on August 3, 2018, in the article titled, Absence of Adolescent Obesity in Grenada: Is This a Generational Effect? , by Dr. Richard Scribner, professor in Epidemiology , Dr. Melinda Southern, professor in Behavioral & Community Health Sciences, Dr. Tekeda Ferguson, Assistant Professor in Epidemiology, Dr. Claudia Leonardi, Assistant Professor Research in Behavioral & Community Health Sciences and Ms. Aubrey E. Gilliland, Researcher in Epidemiology of LSUHSC School of Public Health. Click here for the full published study.

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