Dr. Stephen Phillippi, the Chair of the Behavioral and Community Health Sciences and Director of the Institute for Public Health and Justice at the LSU School of Public Health, was appointed by the Governor John Bel Edwards to the Louisiana Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board. His appointment is effective July 2021, and stems from Dr. Phillippi’s, “special experience and competence in addressing problems related to learning disabilities, emotional difficulties, child abuse, and youth violence.” The purpose of the Board is to encourage and assist the state in the comprehensive improvement of the juvenile justice system in the State of Louisiana; to assist in the establishment of juvenile justice policy by providing advice and counsel to the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, Louisiana Legislature, and the Governor of Louisiana on ways and means to facilitate greater juvenile justice system effectiveness; and, to carry out the requirements according to the U.S. Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act. Dr. Phillippi has been an appointee, commissioned and active board member since 2017 of the Louisiana Governor’s Advisory Board of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention .
Dr. Phillippi Appointed to LA Governor’s Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board