University Partnership Research Brief

Under a program created by Dr. Peggy Honoré, the LSUHSC-NO Health Policy Honors Program provides medical students with basic foundations in health policy analysis and research. A 3-year (2022-2024) Public University Partnership Program (PUPP) grant awarded to Dr. Honoré by Louisiana Medicaid provided three Health Policy Honors medical students – Eva Mace MD, Madeline DeGrange MD, and Xena Zhang MD – an opportunity to  enhance their research by analyzing the proposed and existing policies for economic impacts. Adding the economic evaluation component to the three research topics – Post Partum Coverage, Maternal Mortality, and Medically Tailored Meals – allowed the students, guided by Dr. Patrick Bernett (Seton Hall University) and Dr. Honoré, to satisfy PUPP research requirements of demonstrating evidence based practices, improving quality, and reducing costs. PUPP research projects in Louisiana and 25 other states have the potential to guide policymaking and promote innovation and new approaches to address Medicaid priorities. A summary of the 3 research projects can be found at the links below.

PUPP-Research Brief_LSUHSC_Honore Final Report_MTM (.pdf)
PUPP-Research Brief-LSUHSC_Post Partum Coverage (.pdf)
PUPP_Research Brief_LSUHSC_Maternal Mortality (.pdf)
