Ready To Get The COVID Vaccine? Here’s How To Book It In Your State

May 4, 1:20 p.m. ET/ Selena Simmons-Duffin, NPR

Eligibility for the COVID-19 vaccine has rapidly expanded in recent weeks. As of April 19, everyone over age 16 is eligible to get vaccinated in every state. But how are you supposed to sign up?

In late April, the Biden administration launched a few centralized tools to help with the process. You can look up your zip code and see a map of vaccine providers near you at — the Spanish-language version of the website is

And you can get help via text: If you text your zip code to GETVAX (for English) or VACUNA (for Spanish) you will get a message back with three possible vaccination sites, with phone numbers to call for an appointment.

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Click her for resources from the Louisiana Department of Health