This week, the U.S. Census Bureau joins a group of public and private organizations in celebrating Manufacturing Week, ending with today’s seventh annual observance of Manufacturing Day. Throughout the week, we will release stories, infographics and other valuable data products on the manufacturing sector of the nation’s economy.
As the Carolinas continue to battle the effect of devastating flooding and destruction caused by Florence, we are once again reminded of the continuing threat to coastal communities posed by hurricanes – including their potentially significant impact on industries such as manufacturing.
With each new storm, people and businesses brace for the impact – lives are at risk, while homes and businesses are destroyed.
Before and after disaster strikes anywhere in the country, the U.S. Census Bureau’s Emergency Management Map, OnTheMap, a public-use data tool, can make a difference in understanding the potential impact of those disasters. OnTheMap provides critical information on the potential effects of disasters on the U.S. workforce, population and manufacturing industries.
With recent improvements, users can now see recent social, economic, and housing data from the ACS, gaining even further insight into communities affected by disaster events.