Chat Hour

We would love to chat with you. Chat hour is an informal meeting to help you explore your interest in public health at LSUHSC School of Public Health. If you are unable to attend an Open House, this is a great way to learn about our program and meet with students and faculty. We have two options to connect with you:

  1. In person, on campus visit allows you to meet with an admissions guide, faculty member and/or a current student in a one on one setting in the area that you are interested in
  2. If you are unable to join us on campus, you can schedule a phone meeting or connect you through email with current students, faculty members and admissions.

You must register to join us for Chat Hour. Please use the following schedule to register. To schedule a Chat Hour or to get more information, contact Admissions at 504.568.5700 and

Your information will not be shared with anyone outside of the LSU Health New Orleans MPH Program.