LSU: Healthy Infrastructure Effort Gets National Acclaim

The Louisiana Cancer Prevention & Control Programs (LCP) at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of Public Health and the Louisiana Healthy Communities Coalition (LHCC), which receives LCP leadership and resources, have been recognized by the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors in a case study on a successful Complete Streets implementation in Southwest Louisiana (SWLA).

Complete Streets ordinances ensure transportation infrastructure is designed so all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders can safely use and access roads. Specific features include sidewalks, bike lanes, transit shelters, etc., which help people be more physically active, while also providing transportation options to disadvantaged communities.  The case study details the factors leading to its unanimous adoption.

“Real change comes when a community wants it, and this one started with Healthier SWLA looking at policy, systems and environmental (PSE) change,” said Dr. Mack Giancola, head of LCP’s comprehensive cancer control program and a LHCC state leader. “Healthier SWLA is a part of LHCC, which mobilizes and supports communities fighting tobacco and obesity, in whichever PSE way they want. So it was great to leverage LCP and LHCC to bring on others and make Complete Streets a reality.”

READ the entire article here
