
SGA host Boy Scouts for Public Health Merit Badge

It is no joke, April 1st the Student Government Association at Louisiana State University School of Public Health hosted the first annual Public Health Merit Badge for local Boy Scouts of America troops on the New Orleans campus.  Over 30 Boy Scouts and troop leaders came from all around the state of Louisiana and Mississippi […]

Dr. Peggy Honoré, to serve on WHO Coalition of Partners for Strengthening Public Health Capacities & Services Europe

Dr. Peggy Honoré, faculty in Health Policy and System Management, has been invited by the World Health Organization (WHO) European Region to provide expert consultation on financing of public health systems. She is serving as a member of the WHO Coalition of Partners for Strengthening Public Health Capacities and Services in Europe. Her role is […]

Epidemiology Seminar, “Anatomy of an Ebola Response” by Dr. Lina Moses

Epidemiology Seminar will be held Wednesday, March 15th from 12:00-1:00 pm in LEC Room #303. Dr. Lina Moses from Tulane’s Department of Global Community Health and Behavioral Sciences will be giving her lecture titled “Anatomy of an Ebola Response.” Dr. Moses will discuss the structure and strategies of the Ebola response in Sierra Leone during […]

Dr. Stephen Phillippi Appointed to Governor’s Advisory Board

Dr. Stephen Phillippi, the Chair of the Behavioral and Community Health Sciences and Director of the Institute for Public Health and Justice at the LSU School of Public Health, was appointed by the Governor John Bel Edwards to the Louisiana Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Board. His appointment is effective February 24, 2017, and […]

Wellspot Designation Announcement

The average employee in the United States spends about 50 hours at work each week. At the LSU School of Public Health, your health and well‐being is important to us. Thus, we are partnering with the Louisiana Department of Health’s Well Ahead LA program.  LDH is recognizing organizations that commit to making the healthy choice […]

SPH Faculty, Dr. Richard Culbertson, honored at ASGO 2017 Annual Meeting

Dr. Richard Culbertson, Director and Professor, in Health Policy and Systems Management was honored at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Geriatric Otolaryngology and also presented the Keynote Address. The meeting was held on January 20, 2017 in New Orleans. The American Society of Otolaryngologists and allied professionals is dedicated to the […]

MLK Day of Service

A special thank you to our students, staff, and alumni who participated in our MLK Day of Service with Friends of Lafitte Greenway! The impact is in the numbers….. We were part of a group of 135 volunteers who: – cleared the Greenway of 900+ lbs of litter – distributed 600+ flyers within the community […]

LSU Awarded NIEHS Occupational and Safety Education Grant on Emerging Technologies

Source: Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, School of Public Health in New Orleans (LSUHSC-NO) was recently awarded funding by NIEHS to develop an academic, government and industry occupational health collaborative to address emerging technologies in occupational health and safety. Dr. Kari Brisolara, associate professor of environmental and occupational health sciences will serve as the […]

LSU Study: Crime, blight lead to children’s inactivity

NEW ORLEANS – Crime is unfortunately no stranger to the New Orleans East neighborhood near the corner of Reynes and Warfield Streets. There have been three shootings in the area since the beginning of the year, including a murder there Monday night. Neighbors are reluctant to let their kids play outside because of the violence. […]

Mayor’s Recognizes Daesy Behrhorst with a Community Excellence Award

Saturday, November 19, 2016 –  New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu and his office of Community Engagement hosted over 200 leaders from all across the city. At the conclusion of the 2016 Neighborhood Summit, he honored thirteen leaders with the first-ever Mayor’s Community Excellence Award at a ceremony held at the WWII Museum. Daesy Behrhorst, staff […]