A Few Pointers To Help Save Money And Avoid The Strain Of Medicare Enrollment

Older or disabled Americans with Medicare coverage have probably noticed an uptick in mail solicitations from health insurance companies, which can mean only one thing: It’s time for the annual Medicare open enrollment.

Most beneficiaries have from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7 to decide which of dozens of private plans offer the best drug coverage for 2018 or whether it’s better to leave traditional Medicare and get a drug and medical combo policy called Medicare Advantage.

Some tips for the novice and reminders for those who have been here before can make the process a little easier.

Pay Attention To The Mail

If you are already enrolled in a Medicare Advantage or drug plan, carefully read the “annual notice of change” or “evidence of benefits” letter from the insurer. It is not another sales pitch or more insurance mumbo-jumbo. That required letter highlights the cost and benefit changes in store for next year. Ask the insurer for another copy if you can’t find it.

READ the entire article here
