Hallway Conversations – Amy Stelly

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Date(s) - 02/21/2022
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


The LSU School of Public Health’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee is excited to announce the fourth event in the lunch-and-learn series called Hallway Conversations!

February’s event, in honor of Black History Month, titled “A History Inequity: The History of the Claiborne Expressway”, will focus on the environmental injustice impacts highway development had on traditionally black neighborhoods here in New Orleans. Joining us for this conversation is Amy Stelly, a nationally recognized activist who has dedicated her time to reversing the devastating toll this project has taken on her beloved Treme.

This is more of an informal discussion, so we’d love to have anyone and everyone join us, to chime in with their thoughts and ideas!

Join us:

Monday, February 21, 2022
12pm – 1pm
Via Zoom

Please register for the event using the link here:


Amy’s Official Bio:

Amy Stelly is an artist, designer and planner. Her body of work includes architectural and urban design, along with two and three-dimensional art.

As a designer and planner, her scope of work includes building and open space design; historic restoration; downtown and neighborhood revitalization; and environmental planning. Her practice also includes site planning as well as streetscape and garden design.

Amy is a co-founder of the Claiborne Avenue Alliance, a coalition of residents and property owners dedicated to the restoration of the Claiborne Corridor in the Treme and 7th Ward neighborhoods. She has led some of New Orleans’ most powerful advocacy groups, and her work was recognized by President Biden during the rollout of the infrastructure bill.

Amy edits the opinions column for The Lens, a New Orleans-based nonprofit, nonpartisan, public-interest newsroom. She has written about land use and zoning; the value of community engagement; and public accountability. She is a native of New Orleans, an avid swimmer and an advocate for water safety and environmental stewardship.

