
New LSU Health Foundation Scholarships Website

LSU Health is excited to share the launch of the LSU Health Foundation’s new scholarship application website! The foundation fundraises from our generous donors to provide numerous scholarships each academic year for our students. Foundation scholarships are in addition to scholarships offered by the various schools of LSU Health, have specified criteria, and will be […]

in Research
Air Pollution and COVID-19: A Comparison

Published: March 2021 Ed. Of European Journal of Environment and Public Health The objective of this study was to compare the cases of COVID-19 deaths and cases in the United States and Europe. The area selected in the United States was parishes (counties) in Louisiana along the Mississippi River which is globally known as “Cancer […]

in Research
Alcohol Intake and Alcohol–SNP Interactions Associated with Prostate Cancer Aggressiveness

Excessive alcohol intake is a well-known modifiable risk factor for many cancers. It is still unclear whether genetic variants or single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) can modify alcohol intake’s impact on prostate cancer (PCa) aggressiveness. The objective is to test the alcohol–SNP interactions of the 7501 SNPs in the four pathways (angiogenesis, mitochondria, miRNA, and androgen […]

in Academics
E-Cigarettes: A Public Health Threat, Not a Population Health Intervention

Rebekah E. Gee, MD, MPH, William R. Boles, BS, and Dean G. Smith, PhD Cigarette smoking is the single most deadly personal behavior in human history and remains a potent population health threat. Today in the United States, one in five deaths can be attributed to cigarette smoking. Recent models suggest that even if we […]

New Publication: Journal of Good Governance in Africa by Peggy A. Honoré

The current issue of The Journal of Good Governance in Africa is focused on the African Diaspora before and after COVID-19. This special issue includes the article on page 59 Solving Africa’s Physician Crisis, authored by Peggy A. Honoré, MHA, DHA, AmeriHealth Caritas-General Russel Honoré Endowed Professor at LSU Health New Orleans’ schools of Public […]

in Research
CIN3 – Reporting in a Population-Based Cancer Registry

Evaluating the Use of LAST 2-Tiered Nomenclature and Its Impact on Reporting Cervical Lesions in a Population-Based Cancer Registry Mei-Chin Hsieh, PhD, MSPH, CTRa; Elizabeth Van Dyne, MD, MPHb; Christina Lefante, MPH, CTRa; Jean A. Shapiro, PhDb; Paran Pordell, MPHb; Mary Anne Lynch, MPHa; Natalie Gomez, BSN, RNa; Brent Mumphrey, BSa; Lauren Maniscalco, MPHa; Rachna […]

in Research
New Publication by SPH’s Dr. Ashley Wennerstrom

Action to Improve Social Determinants of Health: Outcomes of Leadership and Advocacy Training for Community Residents Abstract: Racial and ethnic disparities remain a public health problem and are largely due to social determinants of health (SDOH). Using an adapted 36-hour community health worker (CHW) curriculum, we trained 42 lay community residents in New Orleans, Louisiana, […]

in Research
Natural Disaster Emergency Response to Private Well User Needs: Evaluation of a Pilot Outreach Approach

After a flood, private well users are recommended to disinfect their well to eliminate potential microbial contamination but research gaps exist on user implementation of recommended procedures. This study evaluated a distance education class on well disinfection after severe flooding that was piloted by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. Participants submitted a well water […]

in Research
Cervical cancer screening for individuals at average risk: 2020 guideline update from the American Cancer Society

Elizabeth T. H. Fontham, MPH, DrPH1; Andrew M. D. Wolf, MD2; Timothy R. Church, PhD3; Ruth Etzioni, PhD 4,5; Christopher R. Flowers, MD, MS 6; Abbe Herzig, PhD7; Carmen E. Guerra, MD 8; Kevin C. Oeffinger, MD 9; Ya-Chen Tina Shih, PhD 10; Louise C. Walter, MD 11,12; Jane J. Kim, PhD13; Kimberly S. Andrews, […]

in Research
The Disease Ecology, Epidemiology, Clinical Manifestations, and Management of Trichinellosis Linked to Consumption of Wild Animal Meat

Published in Wilderness & Environmental Medicine 2020; 31(2): 235e44 Trichinellosis (formerly trichinosis) is a parasitic infection caused by migrating larvae of Trichinella nematodes. Trichinella worms are among the world’s most widely distributed zoonotic parasites, with a large animal reservoir in amphibians, reptiles, rodents, birds, and mammals. Historically, human trichinellosis was caused by Trichinella spiralis, the […]