Mediation of BMI on 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels in U.S. Adults with Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Consumption
ABSTRACT – Body mass index (BMI) as well as sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) has been suggested to independently decrease 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D). However, the relationship between SSB, BMI, and 25(OH)D is uncertain. This study aimed to investigate the potential mediating role of BMI in the association between SSB intake and 25(OH)D. A total of 4505 representative […]
A Model for Management and Finance Education for Future Public Health Leaders
Public health leaders, especially during times of declared emergencies, are increasingly faced with challenges in the context of finite and often limited resources. Dr. Peggy Honore’ (LSUHSC-NO) and Drs. Kristy Hayes and Harry Heiman (CDC and Georgia State University) explored methods for building competencies to better prepare public health professionals to meet this challenge. The […]
Impact of Dietary Quality on Genital Oncogenic HPV Infection in Women
Hui-Yi Lin, Qiufan Fu, Tung-sung Tseng, Xiaodan Zhu, Krzysztof Reiss, L Joseph Su, Michael E Hagensee Background Most cervical cancers are directly linked to oncogenic or high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) infection. This study evaluates associations between diet quality and genital HPV infection in women. Methods This study included 10,543 women from the 2003–2016 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The outcome […]
Honoring 11 LSUHSC-NO Medical Students Graduating with an MD and Honors in Health Policy
A celebration lunch was held at Antoine’s Restaurant in New Orleans to honor the 11 students graduating with an MD and distinction of Honors in Health Policy. The Health Policy Honors Program at LSU Health Sciences Center-NO provides medical students the opportunity to spend 8 weeks as a policy fellow in Washington D.C. followed by […]
The Effect of Adulticide Application on Mosquito Counts in Orleans Parish, 2021
The Effect of Adulticide Application on Mosquito Counts in Orleans Parish, 2021 Carli Harvey, Alex Pavlakis, Dr. Jen Breaux, Dr. Susanne Straif-Bourgeois BACKGROUND West Nile Virus (WNV) is the most common arboviral disease in Louisiana. Mosquitoes are infected from feeding on a WNV+ bird, then transmit WNV to humans. In 2021, LA reported 22 cases […]
Social support moderates the relationship between minority stress and stage of change among LGBTQ Smokers in the Deep South
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) individuals may smoke as a coping mechanism for minority stress. However, the relationship between social support and LGBTQ smoking behaviors is unclear, since smoking is often a way for LGBTQ smokers to socialize with other LGBTQ individuals. Therefore, this study assessed the moderating effect of social support on […]
SoPH News 2023
As the new year begins, we wanted to let you know about some changes in our School of Public Health. Effective January 3, 2023, Dean Smith, PhD, has stepped down as Dean. Dr. Edward Trapido, ScD, FACE, will serve as Interim Dean while we plan a national search. Dr. Trapido is a professor and Associate […]
Relationship of Social Vulnerability, Health Outcomes, and Funding
Dr. Peggy Honore, Professor, LSUHSC, along with co-authors Drs Fos and Kellum at Dillard University, conducted research to identify the relationship of the CDC & ATSDR’s Social Vulnerability Index with COVID-19, chronic diseases, and life expectancy. Social Vulnerability Index values were obtained for counties in Georgia, Louisiana (parishes), Michigan, and Mississippi. Current data on COVID-19, […]
Distance to radiation therapy facility influences surgery type among older women with early-stage breast cancer
Pratibha Shrestha,Quyen D. Chu,Mei-Chin Hsieh,Yong Yi,Edward S. Peters,Edward Trapido,Qingzhao Yu,Tekeda Ferguson,Xiao-Cheng Wu Breast-conserving surgery plus radiation (BCT) yields equivalent or better survival than mastectomy for early-stage breast cancer (ESBC) women. However, nationwide mastectomy trends increased in recent decades, attracting studies on underlying causes. Prior research identified that long distance to the radiation treatment facility (RTF) […]
Dean G. Smith, PhD, Named Recipient of the 2023 Gary L. Filerman Prize for Educational Leadership
Washington, DC, November 21, 2022 – The Gary L. Filerman Prize for Educational Leadership Selection Committee is pleased to announce the selection of Dean G. Smith, PhD, Dean of the School of Public Health and Richard A. Culbertson Professor of Health Policy & Systems Management at the Louisiana State University Health Science Center – New […]