In The Role of Nutrition in Glycemic Control: Results of a Preliminary Study, Dr. Peter Fos and Dr. Peggy Honore of Louisiana State University Health Science Centers ~ School of Public Health, examine the effects of proper nutrition on glycemic control, especially blood glucose levels and the percentage of glycated hemoglobin. They selected a convenience sample of individuals with diabetes. Study participants with type 1 and type 2 diabetes incorporated planned meals into their diets for a period of ten weeks. Pre-study mean blood glucose levels, variation in mean blood glucose levels, HbA1c values, and body weight was compared to post-study values. Results: After incorporating planned meals into their diets, the majority of study participants had statistically significant reductions in mean blood glucose levels. The reduction in mean blood glucose levels was 35 percent. Participants experienced a 4 percent reduction in glycated hemoglobin percentages. On average, participants had a blood glucose variation of 35.9 percent. Weight loss was seen in 77 percent of the study participants. The study results indicated that incorporation of planned meals and nutritional education has a beneficial effect on controlling blood glucose levels. These results indicate that this study should be replicated with a larger sample size.
The Role of Nutrition in Glycemic Control: Results of a Preliminary Study