Multi-disciplinary Consensus Building Meetings
Louisiana has made great strides in juvenile justice reform over the past decade with many stakeholders working towards a modern system that is developmentally appropriate, responsive to youth and community needs, and utilizes best practices from across the nation. Despite the great progress clear consensus on what reform areas need more attention is often lacking. To respond to this issue, the Institute host routinely hosts regional meetings to review and discuss potential areas of reform and to identify the consensus areas of reform. The regional meetings are attended by a variety of juvenile justice stakeholders, including prosecutors, public defenders, law enforcement members, detention center administrators, administrators of local and state probation and court services, and judiciary members.
An example of the documentation of the outcomes of those meetings can be downloaded below:
Sustaining Juvenile Justice System Reform
2015 Regional Consensus Building Meetings-Report
Children & Youth Planning Boards
Passed in during the 2004 Regular Session by the Louisiana Legislature, the Children and Youth Planning Board Act – Act 555 – mandated that local jurisdictions create a Children and Youth Planning Board (CYPB) whose basic purpose would be “to assist in the assessment, alignment, coordination, prioritization, and measurement of all available services and programs that address the needs of children and youth.” The Toolkit provides examples and additional tools and resources to further assist Louisiana parishes in the effective mobilization and organization for the implementation of Act 555. In addition to the Toolkit, there is a companion PowerPoint presentation, a tip sheet for gaining and maintaining community involvement and minority representation on CYPBs, and the reporting guidelines by the state. The Children’s Cabinet in the Office of the Governor is charged with monitoring the CYPBs.
Related Documents:
For the CYPB Toolkit: Creating and Optimizing Children and Youth Planning Boards, click here.
For the CYPB companion PowerPoint, click here.