2017 09 01_NO AIDS Walk (.pdf)
The annual NO/AIDS Walk started in 1989 at the onset of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in New Orleans. At that time, the walk raised funds to support care and services for individuals living with HIV/AIDS. 28 years later, the walk continues to support the community, serve as a time to memorialize loved ones, and give people a voice to speak out about the now manageable disease.
NO/AIDS Task Force has made tremendous strides since its humble inception as a single hotline in 1983. It is now a Federally Qualified Health Center by the name of CrescentCare and continues to be the leader as the most comprehensive AIDS Services Organization in Louisiana and the Gulf South.
HIV is a major public health crisis that is preventable. Prevention interventions, testing, and behavior changes can all help to reduce HIV transmission. A large number of new HIV infections are due to transmission from individuals who do not know they are infected. Efforts by organizations like CresecentCare and NO/AIDS Task Force truly make a difference in the lives of many.
Volunteers are needed in all areas including set-up, greeters, and information booth attendants.
Contact SGA Community Engagement and Service Co-chairs
Brittney Harbin at bharbi@lsuhsc.edu
Yasmin Davis at ydavi3@lsuhsc.edu
To join the LSU SoPH team go to http://www.noaidswalk.com.
Type in “LSU School of Public Health” under search team.
Click on the team to donate and join!