UPDATED Message from the Dean

Updated: 1:29 PM –  3/16/2020

Dear Students,

A number of LSUHSC students may be ill and self-isolating.  It would be helpful for LSUHSC to know how many students are in this condition. School of Public Health Students – Please complete this form and return to Dean Smith (dgsmith@lsuhsc.edu) who will report on the number of students. STUDENT IDENTIFIER INFORMATION WILL NOT BE TRANSMITTED TO LSUHSC. Self-isolating is a very prudent decision if you have any symptoms. Please reach out to the teacher of a class, your advisor, or me if you have any challenges in participating in a remotely-conducted class or any challenges in completing assignments.

Click here for the form

I wish you all the best during this difficult time.


Dean G. Smith, PhD

Dean and Richard A. Culbertson Professor

of Health Policy & Systems Management

School of Public Health

LSU Health Sciences Center – New Orleans


Message from the Dean: Move to Remote Learning Effective March 16th

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff,

Given the various declarations from the City of New Orleans and the State of Louisiana, the LSUHSC-NO will be moving all of its Lecture and Seminar classes into remote learning formats beginning Monday March 16, 2020. School of Public Health classes that wish to continue with experiments of remote learning today and Friday are welcome to do so.

The School of Public Health Continuity of Education Plan is here and following this message. We need to assure that classes are being held, that learning objectives are being realized and that students are participating. As we learn more about what works and what doesn’t work with our remote learning formats, we will update the Plan. As noted in the Plan, faculty – on a class-by-class basis – may still include in-person exams or other experiences. We encourage faculty to share course specific plans with students.

Classes will remain in remote learning format until further notice, which might run through the end of the Spring Semester.

Other than for classes, the campus will remain open. Faculty, Staff and students in student worker positions will continue to work on campus. Planning is underway for alternative arrangements should this be required by the City, State and LSUHSC-NO.

There are clearly a long list of additional issues that need to be addressed for working under conditions of a COVID-19 emergency. Some issues will be addressed by an announcement from the Chancellor’s Office this afternoon. Please raise questions about teaching, research, service and employment with Dr. Brisolara, Dr. Trapido, Dr. Williams and Ms. Barattini, respectively, and/or me on any matter.

Thank you for your continuing efforts in Public Health through this challenging time. I hope that you and your loved ones remain in good health.


Dean G. Smith, PhD

Dean and Richard A. Culbertson Professor

of Health Policy & Systems Management

School of Public Health

LSU Health Sciences Center – New Orleans



COV-19 MARCH 2020



Educational operations will continue during the event through remote education as follows:

  • Faculty will initiate remote instruction as of Monday, March 16. This will include holding a minimum of one class session via Moodle or other remote platform per week. These sessions may include one or more video lectures, PowerPoint presentations, interactive assignments, or reading and writing assignments as determined by course directors.
  • Communication will be maintained via Moodle announcements and/or email by the course director including details on assignments such as submission method.
  • Limited in person sessions may be facilitated on campus for exams or other assessment measures. These must be scheduled through the Dean and ADAA so appropriate locations can be confirmed.
  • Course directors will report to the ADAA student involvement in remote methods as collected during class sessions (attendance at synchronous sessions via Zoom, Moodle log of student viewing, assignment submission, emails). This is to verify all students are accounted for and participating.
  • Course directors should report any lack of student response to ADAA.

LSUHSC-NO Emergency Alerts: https://911.lsuhsc.edu/

Moodle: https://moodle.lsuhsc.edu/login/index.php

Zoom: https://www.lsuhsc.edu/admin/it/helpdesk/zoom/default.aspx

SPH IT Support: https://sph.lsuhsc.edu/resources/computer-support/

Remote Teaching Resource List (DePaul crowd sourced list by university – open access): bit.ly/rtresourcelist



Faculty need to contact their students by Monday, March 16 to set their expectations.

  1. Ensure that each course has a Moodle presence.
  2. Develop and communicate to students, Program Director and ADAA amended syllabus or syllabus addendum to include course work, expectations and assignments that will change due to remote course administration.
  3. Course directors will report to the ADAA student involvement in remote methods as collected during class sessions (attendance at synchronous sessions via Zoom, Moodle log of student viewing, assignment submission, emails). This is to verify all students are accounted for and participating.

Students will be required to contact course faculty to verify their ability to participate in remote sessions within the first week (7 days).  If additional technical or academic support is required, contact ADAA or IT Help Desk as soon as possible. Additional instructions related to required software can be found through the IT support page below. Students impacted by events prohibiting communication will be addressed on a case-by-case basis by the Dean.

  1. Sign up under LSUHSC Text Alert System https://lsuhsc.edu/eas/textemailalerts.aspx
  2. Ensure your LSUHSC credentials, password and security questions are up to date. Passwords can be reset by going to https://www.lsuhsc.edu/changepassword/
  3. Log on to the Moodle site within 48 hours of notification to receive further information regarding contacting course faculty for assignments, etc.
  4. Monitor LSUHSC email to ensure receipt of all official school communications.
  5. Faculty will continue to expect the same level of responsibility and performance from students during an event.
  6. Students are required to keep up with course work during the event as specified on course syllabi and Moodle.
  7. Students are required to turn in assignments on time during the event period and once the university campus has reopened.
  8. Students should also monitor the main LSUHSC site (lsuhsc.edu) for general information.