LSU: LA Medicaid Access for Treatment and Care for HCV (MATCH) Project
The cost of treatment for Hepatitis C virus (HCV) makes it unaffordable for most persons- up to $85,000 for an eight-week regimen. For the Medicaid covered population, and those in the prison system, paying for such treatments is prohibitive. The Governor of Louisiana and the Secretary of the LA Department of Health launched an innovative […]
Ethical Community Engagement: Lessons Learned
The American College of Healthcare Executives Code of Ethics devotes a full section to the “The Healthcare Executive’s Responsibilities to Community and Society.” The first of these duties, outlined in Section V of the code, is mandate to “work to identify and meet the healthcare needs of the community.” Dr. Richard A. Culbertson from LSUHSC […]
Alcohol HIV/AIDS Research Poster Presentations 2019
The 2019 National Hispanic Science Network Conference gave the opportunity to our LSUHSC SoPH Students and Faculty to present their Posters this past October 9 – 11, 2019. Dr. Tekeda Ferguson, faculty member and Comprehensive Alcohol HIV/AIDS Research Center Investigator, and epidemiology doctoral student, Erika Rosen, MPH presented work from multiple alcohol projects. Reduced Alcohol […]
Data From the New Orleans Alcohol Use in HIV Study: High-Risk Alcohol Using People Living With HIV and Systemic Oxidative Stress or Inflammation
Dr. Tekeda Ferguson, LSUHSC School of Public Health Assistant Professor, discusses how HIV infection is now largely a chronic condition as a result of the success of antiretroviral therapy in her new research study “Reduced Serum Osteocalcin in High-Risk Alcohol Using People Living With HIV Does not Correlate With Systemic Oxidative Stress or Inflammation: Data […]
LSU: Continuity of Outpatient Care and Avoidable Hospitalization: a Systematic Review
Continuity of care (COC) is a core element of primary care, which has been associated with improved health outcomes. Hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSCs) are potentially preventable if these conditions are managed well in the primary care setting. The team of researchers, including from Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of Public Health, Dr. […]