Jacob Maronge, MS, former SPH BIOS student awarded NHLB Pre-Doctoral Award
Jacob Maronge, MS, former SPH BIOS student with his mentor at John Hopkins University during his summer internship. Jacob is now enrolled in PhD Biostatistics Program at University of Wisconsin. He was awarded a NHLB pre-doctoral award (interdisciplinary training program in cardiovascular and pulmonary medicine- Program director: Paul Rathouz, Chair, Dept. of Biostatistics, University of […]
DWH Oil Spill health impacts presented at Michigan University by Dr. Peters ahead of Hollywood film release.
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill health impact shared and featured by Michigan University’s School Public Health with Dr. Peters as Epidemiology invited speaker. As theater-goers prepare for the end-of-month opening of the film “Deepwater Horizon,” starring Mark Wahlberg, Kurt Russell and Kate Hudson, the University of Michigan School of Public Health will host a researcher who […]
“The risk for #WNV is much greater than for #zika in Louisiana,” Susanne Straif-Bourgeois, PhD, MPH, Associate Professor of Epidemiology at LSU SPH.
Following the devastating flooding in the central part of the state, which infectious disease should Louisianans fear more: Zika or West Nile virus? The answer, it seems, depends on whom you ask. On August 21, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Anthony Fauci, MD, told ABC’s “This Week” program that the Aedes […]
Former SPH Dean and former American Cancer Society president Elizabeth T.H. Fontham, PhD, provides guidance on cancer prevention
Formed and founding Dean of LSUHSC School of Public Health was featured in WWL TV Channel 4 news talking about cancer from prevention to the latest treatments. Dr. Elizabeth Fontham who remains active at LSU Health School of Public Health and was also the former president of the National American Cancer Society and shared some […]
SPH Alumni Amanda Arguello, RD, MPH provides tips for local parents on healthy lunches
Fox News Channel 8 interviews Registered Dietitian Amanda Arguello with LSU Health to address students get back into the routine of a typical school day. She provided tips for a healthy lunch. http://www.fox8live.com/clip/12652790/lsu-healthy-lunches
LSUHSC Institute for Public Health and Justice receives 2016 NCSL Notable Documents award
A Legislated Study of Raising the Age of Juvenile Jurisdiction in Louisiana (2015) by Stephen Phillippi, PhD, Institute director and lead author August 8, 2016 Source: http://www.ncsl.org/legislators-staff/legislative-staff/research-librarians/lrl-notable-document-award-recipients.aspx Louisiana HCR 73 Study: Raising the Age of Juvenile Jurisdiction Executive Summary This study, authorized by the Louisiana State Legislature in House Concurrent Resolution No. 73 of the 2015 […]
Lead in Your Water: Are Federal Tests Missing Poison in the Pipes?
Dr. Adrienne Katner interviewed by NBC News is featured in an article by Lisa Riordan Seville, Hannah Rappleye, Stephanie Gosk and Kevin Monahan. Dr. Katner reported, “If you’re only collecting the first-draw sample you’re certainly going to miss the higher lead levels that might be sitting in your lead service line,” said Dr. Adrienne Katner, […]
LSU Health New Orleans Receives Endowment from AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana
Health Policy Fellowship to Allow Select M.D./M.P.H. Students to Gain Real World Experience March 03, 2016 | New Orleans, LA Source: AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana Press Release AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana, a Medicaid managed care health plan serving Louisiana, and the LSU Health New Orleans School of Public Health, today announced the creation of a new fellowship […]