A Citizen Science Approach to Evaluating Consumer Water Safety Concerns (2011−2022)
In conjunction with faculty and students from Virginia Tech, faculty of LSU-SPH’s Environmental Health, Climate and Sustainability Program summarized lessons learned in various community science projects. Community projects focused on monitoring and treatment of drinking water were conducted in the communities of Washington, DC; Flint, MI; St. Joseph and Enterprise, LA; and elsewhere. Researcher results […]
Using Structural Equation Modeling to Assess Children’s Mental Health after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Structural equation modeling (SEM) combines the elements of factor analysis and path analysis to evaluate both measurement and structural models simultaneously. The measurement model correlates the observed indicators (manifest variables) to their latent constructs while the structural model examines the relationships between those formed latent variables. While SEM is commonly applied in social and behavioral […]
Open faculty positions at LSUHSC School of Public Health. Be a part of a growing Cancer Center!
LSU Health New Orleans School of Public Health is recruiting now for individuals who want to be a part of a growing Cancer Center in a state with some of the highest incidences, mortalities, cancer disparities, and social vulnerability in the country. We are building a team of population scientists and community health scientists, who, […]
Celebrating Past, Present & Future
To commemorate 20 years of scholastic excellence, the LSU School of Public Health is pleased to present our anniversary publication “Celebrating Past, Present & Future”. To view the whole publication and to learn more about the history of the school, please head to our page here.
Events September 27-29 Set for 20th Anniversary Celebration
During the last week of September 2023, the LSU School of Public Health will be hosting a series of events in honor of our 20th anniversary. Celebrating the past, present and the future of excellence in the field of Public Health in Louisiana, the events will feature a wide array of topics. Featuring many alumni […]
LSU Health Policy Honors Medical Student Contributes to 3 Behavioral Health Reports During Her Fellowship at the ACAP
To fulfill requirements of the LSUHSC-NO Health Policy Honors Program, Margaret Richard completed an 8-week Policy Fellowship at the Association of Community Affiliated Plans (ACAP) in Washington, DC. ACAP is the national trade association which represents not-for-profit Safety Net Health Plans across the nation. During her tenure at ACAP, one of her assignments was to […]
Effect of chronic disease on racial difference in COVID-19–associated hospitalization among cancer patients
Research indicates that Black cancer patients have higher rates of COVID-19 hospitalization than their White counterparts. However, the extent to which chronic diseases contribute to racial disparities remains uncertain. We aimed to quantify the effect of chronic diseases on racial disparity in COVID-19–associated hospitalization among cancer patients. To Read the full article, click HERE
Dr. Peggy Honoré, Professor LSUHSC-NO, presents Research Findings at the 1st PUPP Research Day
The LA Medicaid Public University Partnership Program (PUPP) was created by the Louisiana Department of Health, Bureau of Health Services Financing (LDH) to support research and evaluation projects that further the proper and efficient administration of the Louisiana Medicaid program to promote delivery of evidence-based, high-quality, accessible, and cost-effective care to Louisiana Medicaid members. Dr. […]
LSUHSC Students Win Prestigious APHA Grant for Climate Change and Health Equity Event
We are thrilled to announce a significant achievement for our LSU Health Sciences Center (LSUHSC) community. Two of our dedicated students, Jessica Stein in the School of Public Health and Sarah Melton in the Graduate School, have secured a highly competitive grant from the American Public Health Association (APHA). Their remarkable accomplishment will pave the […]